Advisory Groups

A method of implementing the open dialogue policy is the introduction of consumer representation through consumer advisory groups for each issue that affects consumers directly.

The aim behind these advisory groups is to provide a direct route from the consumers to the TRA, to find out their needs and requirements. This will allow consumers to take an active role in issues that affect them, through the recommendations made to the TRA by the Consumer Advisory Groups. 

The Consumer Advisory Group

In order to adopt an open-dialogue policy with the public and promote the interests of consumers, the TRA has established the Permanent Consumer Advisory Group. The Group will enable consumers to take an active role in issues that affect them, through their recommendations and feedback to the TRA. The Group is independent of the TRA, and while the TRA may offer its help on request, it is not involved in the recommendations or decisions made by the group.
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The TRA Journey

Thus Far - A Look Back. A journey through the years since TRA was established in 2002.

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